Hot Melt Tape Versus Acrylic Tape

 For a lot of people, tape is a huge part of making the correct decisions, and for packaging, it makes a lot of sense. The correct packing tape allows for the individual goods to be sealed, and it also improves the protection, the presentation, along with the product security. Hot melt and acrylic tape are two very popular ones, and here, we’ll go over whether or not you should use this, and the applications of such.

Hot Melt Tape 

Hot melt tape is great for cartons that are practically overstuffed, or those that have a lot of parts that can be recycled, and also it’s good for those that require tape on a larger level. They usually can work well if the temperature goes up to 120 degrees, or as low as 45 degrees, so if you’re shipping out from a location that’s really cold or really hot, it’s best not to do this.

The benefits of hot melt tape include: 

  • You can get them in clear, tan, and even different colors 

  • They’re very easy to unwind

  • They offer a dependable and consistent seal, regardless of the tape that’s used or the carton size.

  • They’re great for sealing cartons and shipping boxes, and are ideal for those that have a lot of recycled properties to this.

Acrylic Tape 

Acrylic is one that offers a bigger range than what the hot melt can offer, and the temperatures go as low as 32 and then as high as 140 degrees in most cases.  This is the best type of option as well if the product will be going through areas with high humidity, or there is a lot of direct sunlight, as acrylic tape is actually resistant to the oxidation that happens when you use hot melt tape.

The benefits of this include: 

  • This is usually the more economical of choices

  • They’re available in clear, tan, and also colored options 

  • They’re super lightweight 

  • They perform on a consistent manner in different ranges of temperatures, and humidity as well 

In general, if you have a lot of different environments, then you’ll want to go acrylic. 

If you’re someone who is shipping from a consistent area, and also uses a lot of recycled content, then hot melt tape is the better option for this. 

Hot melt in general performs a lot better in the extreme sorts of temperatures. But if you’re someone that wants a type of adherence that you can’t get anywhere else, then you’ll want to choose the hot melt options for this.

Another big thing is that the hot melt tape does actually have coloring issues if you’re not careful. For instance, if you have a package that’s not going to be open for a bit, or it takes time before you open this, it’s going to have some discoloration issues in many cases.  Acrylic typically has the same color the entire time, so if looks rate a big part of your packaging experience, then you’ll want to go acrylic.

The adhesion to the surface that you’re putting this on is another concern, but remember that the main goal of these tapes sis so that it protects all of the products that’s within there, sustaining the handling that's rough of the items, especially during the shipping process. Make sure that you get a good, high quality tape, and have that in place before you make your next move, and the next decision. This in turn can improve the packaging experience by manifold in cases and other ways as well.

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