Monday, 23 September 2013

How antibacterial and Self-Cleaning Packaging are Creating Healthy Packaging in a Post-Pandemic World

It’s been years since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but there are still many who are health-conscious. These days, we still wash our hands a whole lot, and we make sure to sanitize and prevent the spreading of germs.   Did you know that we do the same for our packaging?

Self-cleaning and anti-bacterial packaging is a response to the demand from customers that want safer products. With more awareness of this, people clamor  for it, which is why safe products are something that a lot of people want.

Here, we’ll go over some of the different aspects of this type of packaging, and how it will help with preventing the spread of bacteria. 

Silver Ions

Silver irons are now used as a coating for some products, and also for packaging.

Silver alloys naturally release various silver ions. This naturally inhibits the growth of microbes, and are used in catheters, coverings for wounds, and devices that are implanted.

We see this right now in medical equipment, but there’s also the spread of packaging, which means that, with packaging, the silver naturally releases and will help with prevention of said growth on the items. 

There are some risks, but you can use this to help improve the safety on all fronts. 

Copper Coatings for Packaging 

This is a much newer type for packaging coating that’s seen in international packaging. The premise behind this is to extend the shelf life of food, but it’s also being used in medical and health packaging.

Copper naturally reduces the spread of bacteria as well, and it provides a new preservation of fresh and processed items. 

This is a form of advanced packaging that’s become much more prevalent as a preventative measure. 

UV Activated Surfaces 

Some packaging utilizes UV rays to show off the particles. 

UV activated packaging works in a unique manner.   When you get it, you can shine a UV light on it.   this will show if there’s any product tampering. 

Alternatively, there is also UV coatings that can be put atop and are there and activated.   That way, if there is tampering of the internal components, it will be able to show off this immediately. 

There are other types of materials as well, such as blister or tamper-evident packaging. But the goal of all of this is to prevent food contamination, and contamination in personal care and medicinal products. 

Why Do This 

A lot of people care more about their product hygiene and safety, especially after how rough covid has been.

Some people are so conscious that they’re still wearing masks, washing hands, and taking these preventative measures. With packaging that’s like this, it improves the safety features, bolstering confidence in the product that’s so special for this.

There are a few things you need to be mindful of. Mostly, just balancing out the complexity and costs of these technologies and incorporating even the self-cleaning technologies in this.

They’re pretty advanced, and these days, we see this in the realm of medicine and hygiene. But, once they’re put in, they can offer a lot of benefits to those that are interested in this.

It offers real-world packaging results, and other various aspects that will really shine in the grand scheme of things. 

If you’re a brand who does have customers that are mindful of this, please take some time to add this in. it could make all the difference in the overall results of your packaging and gives those who are dedicated to your branding the chance to get the ideal packaging that they can have.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

VCI Bubble Bags

A lot of metal items aren’t easy to ship.  Unlike say a plastic item or something that’s made of paper, metal itself is subject to other challenges. One of them is rust. This is due to the fact that if there is humidity, or rapid changes in temperature and moisture, that can form during the transit process.

While this can be a problem, there are solutions. VCI bubble bags can be your best friend. For those that don’t know, VCI is an acronym for volatile corrosion inhibitor, and it’s a substance that’ll help with protecting these metals so that they’re ready once you take it out of the package.

Ever wondered how these work though? Well, we’ve got those answers, and also some good examples of items that get shipped through this means. 

How it Works 

VCI is a volatile corrosion inhibitor, which is a substance that essentially decreases the rate of corrosion in the material that you’re shipping. This is used in order to prevent rusting of liquids, or even any surface treatments that otherwise might not be practical, or even wanted.

VCI creates a compound that is released directly into spaces, and automatically it prevents corrosion through forming a very strong bond with the surface that’s there.  This is usually metal.  This keeps the oxide layer that’s naturally on top of the metal in place. VCI is invisible, dry, and it will not compromise the metal in any way.

This is usually used in the form of VCI film, but there are also bubble bags that contain this film, which have a saturation of different formulations. The goal of this is to stop those vapor molecules from further condensing on these metal parts.

They’re great for preservation of a lot of projects, but there are a few materials that are far better than others might be. 

VCI bubble bags contain the products with these materials. 

  • Stainless steel 

  • Brass

  • Carbon steel 

  • Iron copper

  • Silver

  • Silicon steel 

  • Cast iron 

  • Aluminum 

VCI packaging is ideal for any metal items, including nuts, bolts, parts of a machine, even handles for doors and other items. The bags are sized in a way that you can throw these objects in there, and then seal these up to protect them. 

The shipping inventory will be protected, and these bags will protect the item in ways that make customers pleased. 

Ship Jewelry Safely 

One application of those that a lot of people like is the jewelry world. 

If you’re someone who sells high-quality jewelry that customers expect to be in top-level condition, then you need a VCI bag for this. 

They can be put in there, and deterioration will be fought off.  Sterling silver necklaces for instance will arrive just as shiny and as perfect as they were when you initially sent this out to the customer. 

Automotive Parts Protected 

If you’re a car dealership or someone who does sell parts, this is a great way for you to make sure that the parts stay safe.

This, of course, helps a lot of people, especially those who expect the parts to be perfect. The last thing one needs is for a customer to get items that are corroded when shipping, especially if they're not stored correctly.

That’s why shipping stuff in VCI bags is great, because it saves you a lot of money in the long haul.

Stop the corrosion of your precious metal products today and start to prevent the rusting for products in the long term by shipping stuff out with a VCI bubble bag today!

Inspiring and Innovative Packaging Ideas

  Here, we’ll look at new, innovative packaging that has really earned that place in the hearts of customers.  First, let’s look at the Via ...